Watch gay videos for FREE.

Say goodbye to expensive monthly membership or limited trials.
With PornPlays you Browse, you Choose then you Watch.
It's as simple as that.

PornPlays gives you access to over a 1,000 gay videos

We've gone mad because it's all for free.

What is PornPlays?

PornPlays is a way to enjoy high quality gay videos for free.

How does it work?

It's simple, you browse our video library, you pick a video you'd like to watch then you watch it! It's that simple.

What's the catch

Unfortunately, we need to make a living however we felt that everyone should be able to watch videos for free so everyday everyone receives a credit (we call it Plays) which allows anyone to watch at least 1 video.

Do all videos cost 1 Play?

Most of our videos cost 1 Play, however, newer and exclusive videos might cost 2 to 3 Plays to watch.

How can I download your videos?

You'll find a download button at the top right of the video player. Note that the cost to download a video is twice the amount it cost to watch it on the site.

I watched a video, can I watch it again?

Yes! You can watch the same video over and over within a 24 hours period and it won't cost you any Plays.

I have 0 Plays, what now?

You have the option of purchasing a pack of Plays for less than $1 each. This means you can watch a video for less than $1 instead of paying a full monthly membership. How cool is that!

How often do you add videos?

At least once a week. Please note that we are doing our very best to have new videos as often as possible.


our 941 videos. Start by choosing a category.